Saturday, June 15, 2013

Necromancing Narcoleptics

Names I have come up with for a band (if I ever get around to forming one):

Box of Donuts
Necromancing Narcoleptics
Brain Dead Chemists
Scientific Syphilis

For some reason I can't get anyone else to go along with any of them. The first is still my favorite (update: after watching the documentary on Netflix about killer whales in captivity, I no longer think it's funny to joke about dead baby whales, so if someone wants they can use the name, just know I will in no way support said band).

Have you ever wondered why Japan is do awesome? If not, you should have been pondering this question, and I will now pause for a moment to let you ponder it in solemn silence....if that moment wasn't long enough then pause again until you've had enough time (maybe watch a baseball game) and then come back for the answer. Part of the reason is that their dogs don't do their business like most dogs, no, their dogs leave ice cream treats of delight and joy.

Yes that is real and totally awesome!

To my grandma (and the two other people that look at this on occasion) it's okay if you don't understand what I'm talking about, no one really does including myself.

Symmetry, you think it's pretty cool and awesome, and in some regards it is, but in the long run it sucks. It sucks the life and soul out of you and will eventually want you to make everything around you completely unsymmetrical. This includes your own face (you remember how your mom would say, 'If you hold your face that way long enough it's going to stay like that forever...' that's where you obtained a real life lesson that you might need eventually) and that of loved ones as well. This they won't appreciate as much initially, but they will eventually learn to love you again. Symmetry is part of the problem with physics right now and why people are arguing about different models of how the world should be described. Personally I've been dealing with it on a much smaller scale and for problems that have far fewer effects on how we live and die. It still is a pain in the butt.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

title looks an awful lot like tilde

Their are many words inn English that sound much like won wood expect other words to sound, butt they are spelled a bitt differently. Eye personally like them very much.

Things have been off the wall!! Okay, in the world of a scientists, which honestly isn't all that exciting, it has been wild and crazy. Yes, you might have guessed it, Target had bubble wrap on sale and we went nuts with it!! There was also a small, and I do mean small, conference I went to recently, and it was pretty good. I get nervous speaking in front of moderate to large groups, and I was sweating like a monstrosity of a pig when I gave my 15 minute presentation (no, they haven't figured out yet how awesome I am and have yet to invite me to be a speaker that gets to ramble on for upwards of 40 minutes, thus boring the crowd into a diabetic coma as you redundantly repeat yourself, replete with nonsensical chicanery and diabolical madness) and was shaking so bad I couldn't use the laser pointer (which was about the size of an ICBM) as I ended up pointing it all over the room at everything except my presentation-I think I blinded a few of the audience members, so we'll see if anyone comes after me for the damages. Probably the most frustrating thing about working in the sciences is knowing that while science is supposed to be based on fact and scientists, at least in the sciency part of their lives, are supposed to support things based on fact. This means they'll have to change their views if it turns out that they were wrong, say, 40 years earlier in their careers. This doesn't happen. Probably never will. Part of the reason is funding. Governments are stupid. If a scientists were to say to the governing body that hands out money, "Sorry, all this work I've been doing over the last several decades, while good and it has brought some insight, was not entirely correct and so now I need you to give me more money so I can pursue a different line of research that we believe to be correct...." they would never see even a penny from them EVER again. So we're somewhat forced, though I must admit, scientists are not the most humble group of people, to tell everyone that we're right, their wrong, the facts be damned! This also means that a lot of people are willfully ignorant to what other people are doing, either because they don't want to look in the literature, or simply because that's their prejudice and they don't like what someone else is doing, especially since it happens to be more correct than the idea they came up with.

Right now, one of the hot topics is multireference electronic structure methods. "Oh, we'll have to use multireference ________(insert your mothers face here) method to solve this problem" which shows an extreme lack of understanding and even thought put into what these problems are really even concerned with and what it takes to solve them properly. Gah!!! And people wonder why I'm already really grey. Okay, it's because of my jeans, but this isn't helping any either. Single excitations are NOT a measure of the multireference nature of the problem!!! Double and higher-order excitations are.

We're getting a mini donkey. I've always wanted my own little jackass, and now I'm going to get one.

'Murder the government' -NOFX