Monday, January 20, 2014

Bacon in Japan

I'm back in Japan, just this time for a longer stretch of time than before. While reading this blog I would highly recommend you listen to this song while you do, and not just because Tom Waits is freaking awesome either, though that statement is definitely true. If I could come back as any musician it would definitely be Tom Waits. I dig his style. Getting here was an adventure and a half. We boarded the plane on time. Time to take off came and went. We were still sitting at the gate. It turned out that the people working at the airport didn't know that snow (it had been snowing for a few hours at that point) can make you lose traction if you're driving a vehicle. The tiny little vehicle they use to back the giant plane out from the gate couldn't get enough traction to move the completely full plane (it was a double-decker). Finally after about 2 hours they finally realized the plane had engines and that maybe they could try using those to push the plane with the tug-truck to move us out of the gate. Magically it worked. We then waited another hour to get deiced and in the air. It was nice to finally take off. The flight was nice. I got to see some strange movies that I normally wouldn't get to see (Pam doesn't like them, and she's really not in the wrong to not like them). If you want to see a very strange movie check out Jacob's Ladder. I've seen that movie a handful or so times and I still don't really get everything in it, other than the obvious. Now I lost my train of thought...listen to the song twice if you need to, or really anything by Mr. Waits really. Ah yes, now I remember...there was about an hours lag in that time period, so you should have been able to listen to maybe an entire album of Tom Waits (I thought his name was Tom Watts for awhile due to some funky font in a CD cover from the 90's, wasn't that a fun time?). CP decomposition, that's what I wanted to mention. That and power-scaling laws that suck the life out of everything we try to do. Curse (not cure nor cur) you computer scientists for not being better at your job and making things work like in the movies!!!! So I've been checking out CP decomp. as something might help with these problems. I think it looks promising, but the real test will be if I can get an actual working example...doom doom doom, you're all DOOMED!!!!! A joke isn't funny if you have to explain the punch line. Getting punched is never fun, especially if it's by your significant other and it happens to be in your groin, and even more so if you're a male, though I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel good for females either. I'm making a table right now. Not the kind that's practical and will make your life better and will get rid of those cramps in your back and legs from having to crouch over on the cold hard floor because the person that's invented carpet and heaters hasn't come around yet. Oh no, my table is extremely impractical and in fact, it could even be argued that it doesn't even really exist. It's a table of data for a paper I'm supposed to be working on (instead I'm writing this, it's much more fun, at least at the moment). This, kids, is what science is all about. Making something impractical and calling it useful. Science is for people who can't play sports and stuff. Down with science!!! It never gave us anything good! Sorry, what was that? Oh you'll be right back, you're getting a call on your smart phone while trying to read this and take antibiotics to get rid of your staff infection and herpes? You know the easiest way to get rid of a staff infection? Fire them. Well, that sounds like enough ranting for the day. I'm going to go back to my table, it still needs a few dozen or so layers of laquer, and then maybe eat some eel (try it, you might just like it).

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