Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another day another squalor

Squalor, now there's a fun word you don't get to hear or use everyday, unless you're one of those amazingly obnoxious people that somehow can work all kinds of superfluous words into your loquacious allegories for the rest of us to listen to and wonder just what the hell you're even talking about. I don't really use big words very often, unless I'm trying to be spiffy, but people still don't understand what I'm talking about most of the time anyway. I've learned that's it's just better to shut up most of the time. That's the problem with the internet, that and governments are trying to regulate it, is that you can quite as a mouse-other than the tap-tap-tap of your keyboard-and still be noisy as all get out. This is how I know I'm getting old...I don't bounce like I used to when I fall off of really tall things.

So a continuation of what I was having problems with yesterday: it's still not working. I've narrowed some other things down and the good news is the more complex part of my code is working just fine, in fact it's spot on. The portion that feeds the complex part the data, you know where you're just adding and subtracting numbers, maybe multiplying by something every once in awhile, things you used to do in say kindergarten, or if you were a late bloomer like me, 10th grade, that's where the problems are. Good 'ol Achtung and his Razor. With so many people borrowing/stealing his razor for their own use, he probably hasn't shaved in close to a long time, and can probably rival Santa Claus in most crackhead-looking-old-guy-with-a-beard contest. I bet Santa was a pirate before he got hooked up with his current gig. Maybe that's his punishment for being such an evil and wicked pirate, he now has to eat cookies and other assorted treats that he knows kids have handled, licked, taken bites out of, and who knows what else with their hands covered in all kinds of kid goo and other fun things. Ugh, makes me no longer want to be a pirate. It's 4am back home and I'm up and working on something that makes me want to bash out the brains of small creatures very slowly, starting of course with my own. This feels like one of those bad dreams where you're trying to undo your pants because you really really REALLY need to use the restroom, but you can't...I should get back to work.

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