Thursday, March 28, 2013

One, ah ha ha ha ha ha....!@#(!&@$!!

It's all about counting. At least that's the latest thing I've been able to come up with for the problem I've been having with generating a matrix which I need to diagonalize. For an n-dimensional problem I need to generate (n**2 +1)-points. I just figured out today that the (n+1)th and (2n+1)th are not being generated properly. Every time. What I've decided I'm going to do is beat my brains out against the wall and finger paint with whatever it is that comes out. I think my office could use a nice mural on the back wall of some children frolicking in a field of red and orange and brown.

I'm watching two old men chase each other on TV right now. One of them needs oxygen, but he took it off to run faster, and the other one stopped chasing the other to get his oxygen tank and then hobbled after him. It was pretty funny, probably more funny than it came across.

Once I finish finger painting with my brain matter, I will sit down and try to fix my code and then head out to find the wizard of Oz since I'll need a new brain. This one seems a bit used and abused, and after the runin with the wall I'm going to have, I'm not sure it will really be good for too much more, even a paper weight. Brains probably wouldn't make the best paper weight anyway, get them all soggy and such. Brains. I'm sad zombies have become so mainstream and trendy. Thank goodness we still have all kinds of other nasty horrorishness that is too much for most mainstream media be able to stomach (i.e., The Loved Ones and A Serbian Film). Lovegood is also a safe fall back that is not easily moved over to film, especially if you put the stipulation on that it needs to be done well. Scientists aren't known for speaking good English. Usually we do a pretty piss pore/pour/poor job and sometimes it's even on a porpoise.

Gah! I don't care if I do use Fortran to code, C/C++/C#/Java/BLorganite/Hulfgurftunfrter are all the same in that they will all make you want to throw your computer out the window eventually and murder someone you've never met (you could even say that the various compilers of these languages fall under the same umbrella of murderous thoughts and intentions).

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